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"Nu?" - Your weekly Partnership Update (03/11/22)

Ukraine/Israel Update

We have heard from many of our communities asking what can be done to help. Yesterday, Jonny and I met with Pnina Agenyahu Falego, Director of Global Partnerships Network · The Jewish Agency for Israel to discuss what Israel and Partnership is doing for the Ukrainian Jewish people fleeing their country. Some general thoughts to share at this moment and updates will come as we are filled in. Israel is set to accommodate 20,000 people and 400 will be coming to the north. Right now our partnership is working with the Municipality of Matte Asher to bring 20 families to kibbutzim. Renovations of homes and buildings are beginning to happen so there is space for families to settle. While details are still not finalized, start thinking about ways to assist in making the families welcome in our partnership. Also, 5,000 boxes of needed items such as winter coats, gloves, toiletries, etc. have been collected throughout Israel. On Monday the boxes will be taken to a holding center at Ben Gurion airport and then flown to the five border countries of Ukraine.

Hedi Putzai, our P2G Coordinator in Budapest, is assisting with the many people who are staying at the Israel Cultural Institute as they await flights to Israel and other places. Jonny and I are sending a separate message from Hedi.

What else happened this past week?

  • Staff meeting at The Partnership Center! - In attendance was Jonny Whine (Partnership Director), Keren Kahanov (Finances), Sophie Koifman Vernik (Program Coordinator), Bracha, Heidi, Avital, Gil, and me (Hedi was with us in heart and spirit in Budapest). Starting with an ice breaker brought us some needed laughter during these difficult times.

  • Participated in the current Women Leading a Dialogue cohort. Another group of wonderful, strong, and dedicated women aiming to make living in a "shared society" the norm of the Western Galilee.

  • Visited Kivunim to meet with Michal, one of many staff members who work tirelessly to empower young people with disabilities through innovative programs that emphasize capabilities and strengths. In fact, this picture of Shnir stands in front of one of his many poems. "A man told me, don't go far, all the goodness can be found here, nearby" (loosely translated). If you are in need of small gifts to give, consider Kivunim's store at

  • Shared coffee and a little nosh with Dr. Carmit Gal, Head of the Academic development unit AND International relations at Western Galilee College and Partnership Israel co-chair of the Academic committee, and Heidi to discuss joint courses with universities and other programs. We are looking for faculty members in our community to meet and get involved. Email Heidi at if you are interested and check out the calendar on our website for details on two spring lectures, .

  • Enjoyed dinner with Aya Kagade, Director of the Western Galilee College's Foreign Relations Unit and Israel co-chair of the Medical committee. The Medical Committee's next program for physicians is, "Mastering Tough Conversations about End of Life Issues." Check out the website for more information at

  • Met with Orit Katzenstein Guri to provide insight into the Friends of the Partnership Committee.

  • Morning coffee with Tony Ziv, Israel Education co-chair, Sophie (Coordinator) and Gil. We're thinking about jumpstarting the education programs and creating a long lasting sustainable structure. Check out, Generation to Generation at Museum Anu in Tel Aviv,

  • Also spent time with partnership volunteers, Efrat Srebro, Koby Siboni, Tanja Ronen, Noa Hanuka, and Noa Tene. I'm still here for another week, not much time but let me know if you are here,

  • Mint tea with Avital and Golan Rozenberg, Director of the Matte Asher Community Center and Israel Community Engagement co-chair. Golan will be joining the JCCA conference in Houston at the end of the month and then travel to three partnership communities; San Antonio, Omaha, and Des Moines. LaDonna Fishkin, U.S. co-chair and I will meet Golan in Omaha and then travel together to Des Moines.

  • My updates will move to bi-weekly as Jonny's have. Each week you will either hear from Jonny or myself. Let us know if you are not getting one of our newsletters!

  • I know I forgot something and so much more coming up. We'll keep you posted.

What's Coming Up? Complete list, check out the Partnership Calendar at

  • Sunday, March 13 at 11am (ET), VirtuArts Session. Link:

  • Sunday, March 20th at 2pm (ET) Partnership Memorial for Leslie Shuman Kramer z''l Link:

  • Wednesday, March 23, Social Work Seminar

Thanks to those who sent in their Windows to the World photographs.

Taken in our Partnership region’s very own Rosh HaNikra! I keep this photo on my phone as a reminder of the beauty and timelessness of Israel, of our Partnership region, and of the Jewish people’s connection to the land. Daniel Pearlman - Toledo

This photo was taken at the Inns of Aurora in the Finger Lakes, Aurora, New York. My husband, two daughters, and I went on a quick get-away during the first Covid summer. Laurie Sadler - Buffalo

March 4, 2022, as part of the "Dead Sea Pioneers March" Israel opened the road that leads to the spot that the Jordan River connects with the Dead Sea. I entered the IDF defense post at the end of the river and took a picture with the Jorden view. I call it "my neighbor view window." Efrat Srebro - Akko

Be in touch! My email is & Cell: 817-266-1877 and I'm on WhatsApp.

Shabbat Shalom with prayers for the people of Ukraine.

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