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"What's going on in Israel?" – Part 3

Sun, May 21


Zoom event

Save the Date to our next session on "What's going on in Israel?" – this time through an American Perspective. Join us on Sunday May 21, 11:30 am ET | 6:00 pm IL | 5:00 pm HU

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"What's going on in Israel?" – Part 3
"What's going on in Israel?" – Part 3

Time & Location מתי והיכן

May 21, 2023, 11:30 AM EDT

Zoom event

About the Event פרטים נוספים

What's going on in Israel?!

Understanding current political and social events in Israel.

In these difficult times in Israel many of you send us your thoughts, expressing your wish to understand better what exactly is happening in the Jewish homeland?

We decided to dedicate three zoom sessions focusing each time on the political situation and changes in our three partnering countries: Israel, Hungary, and the US.

For this purpose we reached out to experts in the field of political science through the prism of each country.

Chaverim, we continue with our series to understand better the political situation in our partnering communities. After holding a learning session on the Israeli perspective (click for the recording) and a Hungarian perspective (recording), we will convene on May 21st at 11:30 am ET | 5:30 pm HUN | 6:30 pm IL  to learn about the American Perspective.

Join Prof. Jasmine Farrier from the Department of Political Science at the University of Louisville.

Prof. Jasmine Farrier is an active member in the Louisville Jewish community and currently serve on the local Federation board. To read about her academic achievements and specialties please visit

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